They say women are complicated. I don't think so.
Little things affect us. In a big way. Good things as well as bad things. Quicker and in a deeper way than men can imagine maybe. But does that make us complicated? I don't think so.
In fact, maybe we're too simple for them to understand. Which makes us seem complicated.
Why did I start off on this line of thought?
Well, the housemaid just left after her daily chores (more than usual given that it is Sunday), and left me with a feeling of contentment.
Why am I happy?
I simply love the way the house smells slightly of the floor cleaner and the tiles are shining clear and bright. The floor cleaner doesn't quite have the extracts of the rarest of rare flora carefully packaged by a French perfume seller. That is not what this is about.
I am not denying that I love perfume, in fact I am a sucker for things that smell good.
What I am saying though, is that what makes me happy is the feeling of something getting to a more organized state is fulfilling.
So we - the womankind, are famed to be multitaskers. And we are too. Inside our heads, though, we tend to be chaotic and panic when there's any unfinished business. More so, when there's multiple unfinished tasks. These tasks don't have to be those assigned to us by anybody else. These don't have to be of world changing significance. Just the fact that we feel something should be done is enough to add an item to the "unfinished" list.
I see the kitchen platform getting cleaned up, I see the garbage bag being replaced, I see the vessels getting washed and kept into their respective racks, I see the bathroom floor getting washed, And then I see the maid sit down and have her tea (which I made while she finished the chores); while she and I talk about her soon to be married daughter in broken hindi and english - since we have a language difference - And I experience the feeling of pure bliss. I find that I am smiling inside. My attention soon drifts to the laundry basket waiting to be emptied into the washing machine.
Small things make us happy. Small things make us sad too. And they say we're complicated? Not quite. :)
P.S. - Happy Holi folks. :)
9 comments: man's simplicity is another one's complexity... i guess woman isnt complex as long as someone makes an effort to understand whats important for them and what bugs them off ... as soon as that effort goes away, ppl start failing to "understand" women... guess ditto for men, but their need to be understood is slightly lower cuz there are largely only 3-4 things which make them happy :P ;)
Exactly. Take time to pay some attention, and you're all sorted. Hahaha.. True that about the men! In fact, that again is too difficult for women to come to terms with. How can men not care about anything, when we care about "everything" around!
incessant desire to see 'order' instead of the chaos all around?
and to respond to your point about how men seem to be unable to care about 'everything', my humble opinion - they are incapable of doing so. Its easier to prioritise what really matters and focus on them.
Unfortunately for women the world over, these 'priority' items tend to be -cricket, movies, computers, food, work-related stuff and physical gratification, in any random order.
Order from chaos, yes.
"Incapable" is a very convenient adjective. But men prefer convenience too I guess.
Also, I wouldn't judge the mankind as roughly as you do. Despite being a woman, yes. Even though I agree that for a man there's only a limited number of items on the list at any given time; your list is a very narrow perspective. :)
Men just dint try hard enuf to understnd em..and named dem d cmplicatd and un-understandable.
v ve just wantd the thngz to cme our way and simply enuf..just wen itz nt so simple,it getz complicated,and takes tym to (un)complicate..
OMG! There more I read your posts the more I feel like its my inner voice speaking...maybe its just a girl thing:D
@The Guy Not Next Door - Well, if it is coming straight from the horse's mouth, why would I deny that! ;)
@A Peripatetic Mind - wow.. I guess it is! Since you're the first person to so readily agree with what I've written here!! Also could be because you're the first woman to comment? :) But really, everyone reads it and goes - bah! That is so not why men think women are complicated blah blah.. oh well, to each his own. or her own. :) Thanks for stopping by!
Well, I liked this post. Beautifully and honestly expressed how a female mind thinks and feels. But, then it's about individual personality also. Some guys might be more sensitive and have greater need for orderliness, both at house and in work.
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