Saturday, August 30, 2014

A Different Place

It's been close to four months in the new city, new country.

I'm getting by well enough, I would say.

I was looking for a big change, a big distraction, and this works fairly well in giving me the change I was craving. I wanted to break the old routine, and newer pastures were more than welcome. My stubborn want gave way to the present. All I did was open my arms that were too closely guarding the constant, the known, the habits. Is this what they call the law of attraction?

Being in the comfort zone for too long, and too deep, slowly chips away on the comfort in it. The zone itself starts to creep up on you and makes you want to run. One needs change, a stroll, new experiences ever so often. Moving on every now and then keeps you growing, keeps you going. Stagnation, well, not so much.

True for me atleast.

Don't stop. Keep experiencing, keep making yourself uncomfortable. The layer of discomfort and newness eventually sheds away to reveal new skin, and a fresh perspective. It mutes the noise for just long enough to remind you who you are. Reflect on the whats, whys and hows that matter most to you.

And then, repeat. When you think it is time.

Take charge. Run your show.

Be You.

